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Updated: Feb 25, 2022

Zinc for Glowing, Clear Skin!

Zinc is one of the most essential minerals necessary for healthy skin and proper immune function. It is important for protein synthesis, collagen formation and immune cell production. Research has shown that if zinc levels in the body are affected it can impair the immune system which also will affect the healing of your skin. Our bodies do not store zinc so you need to obtain this from your diet or supplements.

Dietary sources rich in zinc:



*seeds (pumpkin seeds)


*baked beans


Problematic skin and break outs happen when the build up of excess oil , bacteria and blocked pores causes the skin around the pore to turn red, swollen and very sore. Zinc helps to control this inflammation by regulating cell production and turn over . It has an amazing healing result on the skin !

I have had brilliant results with several clients skin by adding a daily Zinc Supplement ( 30mg per day). Zinc has an anti-inflammatory result and has proven beneficial for clients with inflammatory acne and scaring. Zinc helps to control the inflammation by regulating cell production and turn over . It has an amazing healing result on the skin!

Zinc should be taken in the form of Zinc Glycinate Chelate to allow the body to absorb it effectively !

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